Summa summa summatiiiiime….

Time to sit back and- make a salad. Not just any salad though: a mouth watering, fruitful, flavorful, “Summa Time Salad” brought to you by the Celis Crew.

With the help of this week’s fresh bundle, it’s quite simple.

Meet the Need:

Organic red leaf lettuce

Organic local star fruit

Organic champagne grapes

Local medley heirloom tomatoes

Organic Cremini mushrooms

Feta or Blue Cheese crumbles

Okay, so the mix may sound a bit funky, but free yoooooo mind, and the rest will follow. Be colorblind, don’t be so shallow.

Listen Up!

Chop the lettuce as your heart desires. Halve the grapes and heirloom tomatoes. Cut off the ends from the starfruit and dice em up, along with a little slicing and dicing of the shrooms. Add all to a bowl(obvi), and sprinkle some feta all up on that. Top with a dressing of your choice, but a balsamic vinegarette is the shiz. .

If you’re feeling super cray, throw some broccoli up in there too, I mean what do you really have to lose?
